Instant Service and Lead Generation -- Better Together

Customers seek instant results in today's fast-paced society and hot real estate market. Use our cutting edge mobile technology to meet those demands and secure new customers.

Curbside Lead Generation

As your listing agents market Agent2U's free mobile app through yard signs or web/email advertising, your potential leads are given mobile tools to immediately request an agent in person for an onsite showing similar to today's ride-sharing app experience.

Broadcast Notifications

Nearby online agents are alerted of a showing request and may accept the request (first come, first serve).

Built-in Lead Qualification

Leads are prequalified with a couple up-front questions asked during their mobile app registration. Leads in contract with another agent will be stopped from using the service. Loan pre-qualification and desired purchase timelines are shared as part of the broadcast showing request.

Always in the loop

Agents are kept informed and reminded to follow up with their leads and tasks to completion.

Mobile Notifications and Dashboard

In addition to mobile notifications alerting agents of new requests, the dashboard captures key information needing attention.

Reminder emails

As system generated tasks such as initial lead follow-up become overdue, Agent2U sends a reminder email each day until the task is marked complete.

Broker Administration

Manage your agents in Agent2U's web application.

Agent Administration

Administrators have the ability to view all the agent profiles, leads, tasks and metrics. Updates can be made to disable agents from the system when necessary.

Team Leader Promotions

Administrators may promote registered agents as team leaders. Through the application, the team leaders can send invites to its members to join the team. Leaders have insights to their team's profiles, leads, tasks, and metrics.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will this help my business?
Customers enjoy fast engagement using today's mobile technologies. With Agent2U, your business expands its ability to attract customers that prefer fast service and instant showings. Tools further help agents follow up until the lead translates into a contracted customer.
What will this cost me as an agent?
Listing agents pay a small monthly subscription fee for first notification of showings to their properties. Agents enjoy all the benefits of the Agent2U web and mobile apps, including team and lead management. No other fees or referral fees are collected.
Buyer agents may use the apps at no cost but will pay a referral fee for any lead generated through Agent2U.
How do I get my registration code?
Newly enrolled brokers or franchise owners received a welcome email with a registration code for its agents. Please reach out to your broker for more information.

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